Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Honeymoon Planning...xoXO

Dear bloggy..

lame tak update, actually takde pun happenings story happens.. sbb hari tu aku janji nak update pun sbb nak cite pasal persiapan perkahwinan.

Next week confirm pegi Kursus Kawin.. kalau tak jadik..siap awk mr.koala.. Last incident i still boleh consider tp kali ni dah bayar tahu!!..

Saje nak cite kali ni pasal honeymoon planning kitorg.. actually before this kununnye nak g oversea, tp memandangkan rumah mr.koala pun tak lengkap lagi dengan kelengkapan rumah (actually, kelengkapan as i want..huhu).. such as room set, living room set, dining set and kitchen set. Nnt dlm entri lain kite survey perabot rumah plak eh..

But this time aku nak cite psl planning kitorg g honeymoon. Tempat2 yang dicalonkan adalah:

1) Rosa Passadena, Cameron Highlands

Bajet around RM600.. memang tempat ni nice n comfy tapi aku dah penah stay sini dengan family. Area yang bagus kalau nak g shopping tanpa drive.. near to pasar malam brinchang n market.

2) Equatorial, Cameron Highlands

Memang hotel 5 star.. kelas yang tak mungkin family aku dok kat situ, tapi tu yg menariknya.. g dgn mr koala and create its own sweet experience through our nite together (opps!!) Hoho... Pakej honeymoon die around RM800.. mmg ok sangat ni yang..

3) New Zealand

ni apehal ni?.. dlm negara la.. ni out of list??
sabar yang.. this trip utk our first anniversary... yahooo.. mr.koala mmg best kalau die bwk aku dtg next year..
Ehem.. back to reality, ape2 hal pun get your event ready.. skrg dah bulan ogos.. then september for puasa n hari raya, oktober for booking, november for form collection and submission and dec??.. dah ready nak bergelar puan?? *T____T*(excited dalam terharu)
btw, miss him already..

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