Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Walau ape pun terjadik... aku mesti kene DIET!!

Ni ape ke halnye ni? pepagi lagi dah masuk entry yang agak emosional lagi hiba?
sebelum cite panjang, meh tgk dulu fakta ini.. adakah ianya benerr??

OMG... besaqnye lengan akuuuuuu..

oklah, meh start de story.. semalam is our last dated (for current being la before Ramadhan). Mr.koala pick me up around 8pm. Memang sgt appreciated d effort coz he's back from his college and drove miles away to see me.
then, we're going to Kunang-kunang restaurant for dine. i'm having this one;
and this splendid drinks,
and then, i'm eating tanpa perasaan bersalah pon eventough jam menunjukkan pukul 9 lebih. Mr. Koala makan porridge and as usual teh o suam die. uhuk..uhuk.. kenape die tak naik badan? futhermore, ma pun ckp die dah kuruss.. tension!!!

Oklah, dalam suasana romantik tu, kitorg cerita2 psl majlis yang tinggal 3 bulan lebih jek ni. die pun sgt suke bile aku cerita yang ma n ayah sgt pleasant about his behaviour and attiude.

Ni nak cite pas balik ni.. dlm kul 10 lebih. while berhenti kat traffic light tu die toleh sebelah n start to gaze on my arms and "sayang, besarnye lengan..besar dari tangan saya"
i was like.. what the h***.. mmg aku paaaaaling tak suke kalau ade org tegur pasal badan aku or somewhere around my face.. tapi hakikat ini perlu kuterima sbb he's d dearly man in my life..
oh, back a few days ago.. ayah pun ade strat tegur psl lengan ni.. n bile ayah tegur aku tak amik port sgt sbb i tought it was main2.. uhuk.uhuk..
trus aku ilang mood, i know its a fact.. aku pun nak get rid of chicken wings kat bwh lengan ni tapi tak tau camne.. okla, push-up pakai dumbbell lepas ni ye.. go for strength training.
I know he doesn't mean anything to hurt my feeling, die siap boleh cakap.."sayang mcm ni pun saya sayang jugak".. uhuk..uhuk..
tapi aku yg rase mcm nak terjun dr tingkap kete.. embarassing momento..
yela mr koala.. pasni i angkat dumb bells and pakai losyen pati halia..if my tangan looks like this... awk jgn komplen.. huh!!

p/s: macamane nak carik menu diet utk bulan pose ni??.. T____T

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pre-Wed Course..Done!!

Akhirnya settle satu benda yang amat penting sekali..

15 & 16 Ogos 2009, me n mr koala dah pun selesai menghadiri kursus kawen dan lulus dengan kepujian. haha
Kursus kawin yang berharga RM60/pax itu rupe2nye dianjurkan oleh biro latihan UMNO bahagian Selayang,and the RM20 itself telah disponsor oleh Ketua UMNO Bhgn Selayang YB Dato' Abd Syukur.. bertuah kan? Dahla ade upacara perasmian dan penutupan sijil. Macam sgt grand la sbb sudah terlibat dengan kancah politik. Hua..hua.. bukan ape sgt pun.

'lihatlah kebahagiaan yang terpancar di wajah kami berdue =P"

Takdelah seperti yang aku sangkakan sebelum ini iaitu.. banyak lawak lucah yang disampaikan oleh penceramah tersebut. Maybe sbb kursus tersebut betul2 diadakan di dalam masjid (as Mr.koala wish!!). Yang aku dapat semua info yang amat berguna untuk melayari kehidupan bergelar suami isteri nanti. Yang pasti aku rasa sangat bersedia nak bergelar mrs.koala n sgt tak sabar nak melayari kehidupan bersama.

See?.. aku heret jugak die duduk sebelah aku.. biar sama2 dengar n praktikkan dalam kehidupan kami nanti.. (solehah sungguh kan? =P)


Yang sedihnya, at the end of the day.. we had an arguement. Tak tau mcm mana boleh jadik. Aku cuma tanya die je kenapa die tinggalkan aku cepat sgt lepas aku dapat sijil? die kate sbb dah rimas, lame sgt dari pagi sampai petang dok kat situ. Yela, aku pon rimas.. tapi at least aku pun ikut org gak, diorg duduk, aku duduklah jugak.. tapi die ni lain, suka buat lain dari yang org buat. so, lepas mkn muke masing2 masam cuke die drop by aku kat umah n aku trus kuar pas say thanks.. gedebum!! hempas pintu kete.. n muke muncung cam tikus mondok..

Ape jadik? korg break-up ke? hek la.. xkan psl bende kecik pon nak putus tunang?.. next morning die bagi msg apologize.. xtau kenape aku rase hiba sgt, mmg aku agak ego. tapi aku bersyukur sbb Dia kurniakan aku lelaki yang amat menyayangi aku dan sanggup terima baik buruk aku. memangla aku agak keras kepala, degil and hati batu.. tapi yang peliknya dalam sekelip mata je dia datang ubah hati aku jadik cotton candy.

see?.. kat mane ade aku, kat situ ade die kan? walaupun die celah2 lautan manusia..
so, sebulan Ramadhan ni kitorg mmg tak bley gi dating. Nak jumpe pon dtg umah buka puase same2.. Ujian kat kitorg ni.. bleh tak within 30 days ni tak bertentang mate?.. lets wait and see..... uhuhuhu T________T

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Honeymoon Planning...xoXO

Dear bloggy..

lame tak update, actually takde pun happenings story happens.. sbb hari tu aku janji nak update pun sbb nak cite pasal persiapan perkahwinan.

Next week confirm pegi Kursus Kawin.. kalau tak jadik..siap awk mr.koala.. Last incident i still boleh consider tp kali ni dah bayar tahu!!..

Saje nak cite kali ni pasal honeymoon planning kitorg.. actually before this kununnye nak g oversea, tp memandangkan rumah mr.koala pun tak lengkap lagi dengan kelengkapan rumah (actually, kelengkapan as i want..huhu).. such as room set, living room set, dining set and kitchen set. Nnt dlm entri lain kite survey perabot rumah plak eh..

But this time aku nak cite psl planning kitorg g honeymoon. Tempat2 yang dicalonkan adalah:

1) Rosa Passadena, Cameron Highlands

Bajet around RM600.. memang tempat ni nice n comfy tapi aku dah penah stay sini dengan family. Area yang bagus kalau nak g shopping tanpa drive.. near to pasar malam brinchang n market.

2) Equatorial, Cameron Highlands

Memang hotel 5 star.. kelas yang tak mungkin family aku dok kat situ, tapi tu yg menariknya.. g dgn mr koala and create its own sweet experience through our nite together (opps!!) Hoho... Pakej honeymoon die around RM800.. mmg ok sangat ni yang..

3) New Zealand

ni apehal ni?.. dlm negara la.. ni out of list??
sabar yang.. this trip utk our first anniversary... yahooo.. mr.koala mmg best kalau die bwk aku dtg next year..
Ehem.. back to reality, ape2 hal pun get your event ready.. skrg dah bulan ogos.. then september for puasa n hari raya, oktober for booking, november for form collection and submission and dec??.. dah ready nak bergelar puan?? *T____T*(excited dalam terharu)
btw, miss him already..

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Sacred Date...

(credit to MDM ANN MARIE'S site)

Finally, the date has been confirmed. The hall has been booked. And the preparation is on, and aku rase mcm susah nak bernafas.. o_O (p'puan ni psiko ke ape??.. T____T)

It's 5 Disember 2009.. 6 month more!! macam tak percaye.. tapi ianya benarrr..

Everything should be okay i guess.. mr koala pun tersangatlah suke sbb majlis kami dipercepatkan instead of ujung disember. sbb ape? at that time i'm not raising a red flag.. boleh camtu?.. o_O

persiapan menuju KE GERBANG BAHAGIA:



Actually aku dah book pun bulan april ari tu.. awal gile kan?.. sbb aku mmg berkenan dengan baju purple lace gold itu.. tp mr.koala tak tau lagi.. sbb die prefer warna kuning. no la syg, me looks bad wearing yellow.. sgt pantang okey!! so, skrg ni nak kene gi balik DINO RENDA and change the ceremony dates. myb nak book mini pelamin for majlis khatam al-quran on 3 dec 09.. Insyaallah.


Rasenye nak handle all the jobs to ma n ayah. Sbb diorg mesti bleh kawtim murah punye. ^__^ most probably nak buat nasik minyak tapi bile pikir balik orang mesti dah jemu mkn nasik minyak bulan dec nnt sbb byk sgt majlis kawin.. buat nasik putih lauk kampung ah.. if 1 head is RM10 x 1000pax = collapsed *_* .... xpela, yg penting diorg happy dtg majlis kawin aku..


Mr.Koala just inform that en. madi boleh tukar date majlis kitorg tu tapi die hantar staff die la.. ala..sedih.. takpelah, yg penting kami mmg puas ati dengan harga pakej yg MEDIA KREATIF tawarkan.. siap free banner, penunjuk arah n 10r photo c/w fra,e lagik..tak sampai RM2k.. mane nak dpt harga gitu?..
Actually we'd stunned by this pic.. trus contact diorg..

Thanks to my good friend.. Ain from AIZ DESIGN & SUPPLIES yang telah berbesar hati untuk mensponsor kan 1000kpg kad for me.. tp still aku kene survey design mcm mane nak buat. should we put our faces on it?.. i know!! let's just put koala couples in love in front of the card.. musti best.. (idea tak bagus!!! nyah ko dari sini T___T) sangat comel bukan?..

5) kursus kahwin.

IT should be the first one dlm list supposed !!.. bak kate ma, berdating hari-hari tapi kursus kawin tak pegi2 gak.. T___________T

(mane ade hari2..seminggu sekali jek)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

i'm officially engaged...

tajuk diatas sgt poyo ok... but that is the truth..
20.06.2009 - tarikh yang amat bersejarah dalam kehidupan seorang gadis ini. Tak disangka-sangka dah pun bergelar tunangan Mr. Koala. Macam tak percaya sebab segala-galanya berlaku begitu pantas. Jumpa, berkenalan, bercinta?.. sampai dah ada ikatan separa rasmi ni. He's really not into main-main thing.. and i found out that's the reason why i'd accepted him on the first place. Plus, he's maturity really make me fell onto my knee's.. wow.. sgt jiwang.. o_O

And.. to show that he's such a romantic guy.. there's a suprise for me on the day itself..tengah org sibuk2 dok buat persiapan kenduri. suddenly, there's knocking on my door, i was having a make-up at that time,

" kak nurul, ade orang hantar bunga besar".. my little cousin memang very excited..
i was like, gigling and can't stop smiling. He knows how to bright my day.. as a result, ramai yg puji muke berseri-seri mcm pengantin baru, padahal baru tunang je. Am i a lucky gal?..dia berjaya buat aku bertambah yakin yang aku tak salah pilih orang untuk jadi teman hidup.. Insyaallah..

Hantaran 7 berbalas 9.. gambar tu ialah hasil titik perpeluhan aku n kakdik menyiapkan hantaran around 12am. Mula2 idea kreatif byk sgt kuar ikut tp lama2 bile asyik tak jadi je trus buat idea sendirik.. simple but nice (ok..masuk bakul angkut sendirik ^_^)

the hantaran is :

  1. sirih junjung (since naik belanja, mr koala gave 1/2 off the RM11,999.00 itself)
  2. kek (sponsored by paklang n maklang shah alam.. may Allah bless ^_^)
  3. wajik durian (the packet kecik2 was my that everybody will get to taste it.. thanks to me =p (nak jugak!!)
  4. Baju Melayu + towel + butg baju melayu kristal
  5. choc's FR
  6. bepang a.k.a kuih kacang (sponsored by uncle anuar..ayah best frens..i guess..very nice!!)
  7. Euphoria Men edt set.
  8. Buah2an (sponsored by nenek n aunt nonie.. comel la diorg..tq byk2)
  9. Potpourri (who knows nenek ialah seorg yg sgt kreatif n comel?)

Orait.. cerita sekitar majlis pertunangan hari tu. Majlis start around 2.30pm. Tapi that's a one simple-short-sweet meminang ceremony. Tak tau ape yang diorg discuss and pokcik (thanks!!) as a spokesperson b/p ayah hari tu. Dlm 10 min je, suddenly dah bising2 mak dia nak masuk dlm bilik sarungkan cincin. Omg, my heart was beating fast..realize that i'm still alive.. thank god..hehe. I was holding my breath mcm tak percaya yang mak die dah sarungkan cincin kat jari manis ni.

And the situation was like.. sgt meriah.. baru tahu perasaan seorang selebriti.. semua berebut2 nak ambik gambar. I think his mom likes me.. a lot?.. i dont know.. but somehow i do feel that my existence is accepted well by his family. Ok la kan?.. hehe.

Kenapekah gambar ini perlu ada dalam story kali ini?. adakah mahu menonjolkan diri?.. can't help myself sbb this pic was really and truly showing our love and joy throughout the ceremony. No need to ask ape perasaan korg bile dah bertunang ni?.. just look at the picture and u'll get the answer. btw..he's so cute in this pic kan..well..myb tak pd org lain.. tp tetap nice based on my viewing (yela wateva.. u're in lurrvve with him =p)

So. Alhamdulillah..dah lepas satu stage.. next stage is.. our sacred day la kan..of course!!.
but then, all the preparation nak kene start dari sekarang. pas ni g kusus kawin, g survey butik, g survey kad kawin, g book catering,survey photographer... waa..banyaknye keje..
tapi takpe.. ape yang penting?.. KERJASAMA....
hehe.. i love my life..

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom's day & Besday Makan together-gether...

Firstly.. i really adore this stuff.. nenek and auntie nonie still treat me as 'kakak uyui' yang sering bermain teddy bear and patung barbienye with a lot of colorful clothes.. sweet.. she's 25th now and getting married... can u believe that??..

This is a gift from Mr. Koala.. he's so smart to melting my heart into pieces dan berdebuk2 jatuh chenta kat dia??.. hepp!! materialistik nye aku.. no lah.. its just that terharu sbb die belikan aku present dari stuff yang aku selalu mention kalau masuk body shop.. sbb hari tu die beli orange tangerine perfume for hantaran tunang sbb white musk takdak promotion.. mmg cheapskate sgt aku rase die hari tu.. tup2.. mase besday aku die wat suprise.. dahla beli tudung arianna kat ma, mmg pandai amik hati.. (i u sayang)

It's makan timeee... ngeeee ^_____^v
Kunang2 restaurant was fully booked.. ade special event. Ala spoil la... sebenarnye jeles kan? melihatkan keintiman keluarga kami bersuka ria sambil bertukar2 hadiah sbb staff die sume kene keje..xbley celebrate.. huhu..
Thanks to auntie Jue's restaurant... at least ade special place and comfortable utk kamiorg melantak (uikss.. ayat tak hengat!!)
Well, mmg kalau ade special occasion kitowg satu family akan jalan2 carik pasal(uiks.. ape hal?) cari makan utk spend time together2..
Its a common thing to do.. but this time its quite special.. not becoz i'm turning 25.. (~duh..old oledi ah?? uhuks..) but this time there's someone special joining will be part of me family soon,of course he need to rapat2 kan diri dlm family kan?... ( he's a good eater =p)..

I have one Happy family at hoommee.. hehe.. makan2 bersama pasangan bahagia masing2.. sorry kakdik, honey ko tak dapat menghadirkan diri hari tu sbb mak die tak kasik?.. (what the h****?) walaubagaimanapun, it's time boleh men'join'kan diri utk xtiviti jalan2 carik pasal.. eh.. makan..

Aktiviti sebegini amatlah menseronokkan sbb dapat berkumpul dan bergelak ketawa bersama seisi keluarga w'pun cerita yang ada telah dengar byk kali tapi ttp nak gelak jugak.. adakah sbb mr koala telah dapat mengadaptasi dirinya dengan begitu baik skali?.. myb..

secret's recipe cake sponsored by beloved dad n kakdik.. sgt sedap ok.. 2nd best after chocolate indulgence tp i couldn't remember pe ke name ntah kek ni..
Kesimpulan daripada cerita diatas (perlu ke?)
I'm happy.. being part of the family. ade mama, ayah, kakdik, iwan, harith, nenek, aunt noni, nelly n tok yang cukup2 supportive dan selalu ada bila diperlukan.
Family is d best and sll ingatkan pada diri sendiri letakkan family kat depan sblm nak buat perkara bodoh dan memalukan.
last but not least.. kehadiran mr.koala telah menambah seri dalam hidup ini.
Life's JUst GreaT...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Let's Tag....

Don't cheat, If you are honest, this tells the truth. It's pretty good. Write your answers on a piece of paper,and NO cheating!! The answers are at the bottom.
1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow ? - BLACK
2. Your first initial? - N
3. Your month of birth? - MEI
4. Which color do you like more, black or white? - BLACK
5. Name of a person of the same sex as yours. - LIANA
6. Your favorite number? - 8
7. Do you like Flying or Driving more? - FLYING
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more? - OCEAN
9. Write down a wish ( a realistic one) - LOT OF MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!
When you're done, scroll down. (Don't cheat!)
Answers1. If you choose:Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.Black - Y ou are conservative and aggressive.Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.Blue- You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
2. If your initial is:A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
4. If you chose:Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. This person is your best friend.
6. This is how many cl ose fr iends you have in your lifetime.
7. If you chose:Flying: You like adventure.Driving: You are a laid back person.
8.. If you chose:Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
9. This wish will come true only if you send this to five people in one hour. Send it to ten people, and it will come true before your next birthdayMeaning of color and your Birthday
bOLEH CAYE ke?.. bace je..for fun.. ^_^v
By d way, what d **** edward cullen si pontianak ensemh tu nyelit dalam post neh?..
nothing.. it just that i adore him...( hi handsome!!!)

Besday Gurl..


Today's me bestday.. adakah sbb itu yang membuat aku sebahagia ini?.. erm..maybe sbb aku mc hari ni..besday gurl yg meng'mc' kan diri.. apatah lagi menerima besday wish daripada a few close frens.. even yg aku anggap bestfriend pon tak ingat besday aku.. xpelah.. i'm ok.. koala x ape2.. and not forgotten, d one n only bestfren (if u can call that!) pejol .. yg x penah lupe besday aku every year since study dulu.. apakah ade lelaki sebegitu?. kenapekah aku x amik die sbg boypren atau suri hidup?(err..suri hidup kew?).. andwee.. he's married guys.. myb sbb lame sgt tunggu aku..

Takler..myb sbb takde jodoh.. btw..he's a good guy..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

d arguement...

Padan muke aku ke.. die yang terlalu emosional? Sampai la ni msg aku satu pun die tak balas lagi. Semalam mmg aku rase tibe2 mcm takde mood nak pegi mane2..actually takde mood nak g kelas..tapi kenape entah aku gatal2 membabitkan die dalam situasi tersebut.

calls die aku buat tak tau.. msg die aku tak jawab. tak tau kenape sbg protes ke ape ntah!!..kadang2 aku ras emacam diri aku ade gila sikit.. mule2 mcm tak percaya mcm mane orang sehebat die bleh jatuh hati kat aku.. tapi i just being myself je mase first time we met. Dalam hati mmg ade debaran yang gile punye sbb aku tau org yang aku dating ni engineer hebat..genius tahap gaban punye..ade rupe.. ade harta.. tapi tu la ..dah jodoh kan.. skrg aku mmg jatuh hati yang berdebuk2 dgn die..

tu dulu punye stori..skrg ni masalah bile ade sebulan lebih lagi nak engage.. buat perangai plak.. aku ke diakah?.. aku la kot.. tapi takkan die tak faham yang bakal tung die ni psycho sket... tapi psiko tahap level yang amat rendah lagi.. iman masih kuat di dada.

"kata2 yg selalu diucap tiada maknanya, kasih hanyalah kiasan,perasaan adalah kelemahan,apakah nilai matlamat ini?apakah yang diperjuangkan lagi?

Punyelah aku rase nak tido guling2 bile dpt msg die mlm tadi kul 1.30pg.. apa maksudnya? adakah die dah nak give up dgn relations ni?.andweeeee...aku tak bleh mengalah lagi sebulan je nak de majlis separa rasmi andweeeeeeeeeeeee.......

skrg..12.30pm, masih takde reply dr encik koala lagi... adakah aku yg kene g melutut memohon sembah?..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Malam Pertama....

Patutker aku blog bendaalah ni?.. actually its my new hobby to surf blog bakal2 pengantin or org yg baru2 kawin ni..

sbb nak rase ape yg diorg rase.. nak tau apa yang diorg prepare.. sambil mencari idea terbaru dlam nak membuat gubahan majlis or brg hantaran.

Pastu , tetiba rase gatai no.. nak blog.. sbb nak tgk respond org kat kite.. sambil bleh kongsi idea n komplen (eh..komen ke?) ^_^v

Yaaa... jadik aku dgn beraninya.. menjadikan blog pertama ini sebagai diari aku.. virtual diaries yg bleh dibaca oleh sume org..

sebab ape rase nak blog bile dah dkt2 neh?.. sbb nak save n quarantine semua feeling n rase mase tgh nak wat persiapan ni. Perasaan semasa anak dara 'opps!!'.. yela nnt bile dah de title puan kite dah ade feel lain..

So...berbungalah harapan... harap2 semua persiapan menuju ke bulan 12 ni ditulih kat sini..